Please read the notes at the start of other order page.
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**Credit Card Holders Details
Street ________________________________________
District ________________________________________
Town/City ________________________________________
Postcode ________________
Country ________________
Telephone ________________
Fax ________________
E-mail ________________
Forenames ________________________
Surnames ________________________
**Delivery Address (if different from the above or paying by cheque)
Title ________
Forenames ________________________________________
Surname ________________________________________
Street ________________________________________
District ________________________________________
Town/City ________________________________________
Postcode ________________
Country ________________
Telephone ________________
Fax ________________
E-mail ________________
**Please charge my
Card Number _______________________
Expiry Date ___/____
Start Date ___/____
**Are you
In the military? YES / NO
Involved in science YES / NO
A UFO enthusiast YES / NO